
Showing posts from October, 2011

Doctrine Of Eternal Security

Does the Bible teach Doctrine Of Eternal Security? (Exposing distorted teaching) W hen we read 1 Corinthian chapter 5, it talks about an immoral man. What is his act of immorality? He is guilty of having his father’s wife  (probably his step mother).  Paul describes the act as a flagitious one; such, that it is not even reported among heathens. Those who preach "doctrine of eternal security" frequently use this passage to teach the validity of this doctrine; wherein we are taught: once you are saved, then you are always saved; no matter what. They teach; one will never lose the salvation, even if they keep sinning and die in their sin  without repenting.   So, this implies, that after one believes in Jesus, he or she is incapable of getting lost eternally. Let’s closely examine, as to what does the passage actually say. As we read the portion of the scripture, a couple of question arise in our mind. Let us assume for a while on the basi...

We Are Living On Borrowed Time...

As I begin this discourse, let me begin by asking you;  "What is the time in your watch?  What if you have an important appointment at 12:00 O'clock, an appointment that will probably seal your fate for the rest of your life on earth?" Pause for a moment and imagine, if you have just 10 more minutes before your life changing appointment; how would you prepare yourself? I can tell you, without a shadow of doubt; you will make the most of every ticking seconds.You do not want to regret for the wasted moments. Every second would mean so much to you.      Today, the world stands on the brink for final show down. As every second is ticking away, the world is heading towards the eternal darkness, a time of gloominess. But on the other hand, its a time eternal joy for those who are born of God. The bible reminds us that ' We' , The Church, have an appointment that will seal our fate for all eternity; and that appointment is our meeting with the Lord Jesus at ...