Iron Sharpens Iron:

The bible tells us in proverbs "Iron sharpens Iron." Every born-again person is a spiritual man living in the spirit and should therefore desire to be sharpened; but what sharpens our spirit? Won't you like to sharpen your spirit (inner man)? Sharpening spirit man is what we are called to. Oh yes! God is interested in our spirit man; this man is renewed into His image everyday and the Holy Spirit will be in this business until we meet Christ at His coming ".....our spirits are renewed everyday. (2 Cor 4:16). As the Iron sharpens the iron, so the spirit must be sharpened by the spirit. Yes, only spirit can sharpen spirit. Many may think that the knowledge acquired from colleges, institutes and their degree sharpens them; but sorry, its not our educational qualification; its not the knowledge that we have acquired through our research programs that can sharpen our spirit man. You can be a doctorate by qualification, but yet in your spirit man you may...