Iron Sharpens Iron:

The bible tells us in proverbs "Iron sharpens Iron."   Every born-again person is a spiritual man living in the spirit and should therefore desire to be sharpened; but what sharpens our spirit? Won't you like to sharpen your spirit (inner man)? Sharpening spirit man is what we are called to. Oh yes! God is interested in our spirit man; this man is renewed into His image everyday and the Holy Spirit will be in this business until we meet Christ at His coming 

".....our spirits are renewed everyday. (2 Cor 4:16). 

As the Iron sharpens the iron, so the spirit must be sharpened by the spirit. Yes, only spirit can sharpen spirit. Many may think that the knowledge acquired from colleges, institutes and their degree sharpens them; but sorry, its not our educational qualification; its not the knowledge that we have acquired through our research programs that can sharpen our spirit man. You can be a doctorate by qualification, but yet in your spirit man you may not be what God wants you to be. How we are in spirit is reflected in the way we behave when it comes to things of God; in-confidence, lack of zeal, lacking in the knowledge of God's Word and many more; and instead of being on the offensive, we always show up being defensive.

I thank God that in Jesus He has made every resource available needed to sharpen our spirit man. The bible tells us the secret that can sharpen our spirit (inner man); Jesus tells us in the book of John.

“Flesh profits for nothing…the words that I speak to you are spirit…” (Jon 6:63)

There is only one thing that can sharpen our spirit that is God’s living word. Jesus clearly cites in the above verse that His Word is spirit. Do you want your spirit to take a dive into spiritual dimension; dimension that is so divine and electrifying? Then take a dive into His Word and the Holy Spirit will teach you to swim and will give you the most exciting and thrilling moments; you would never want it to get over. Try it!!

Many many times I have been something before getting into study of God's Word, but I become inwardly different at the end of the study of God's Word. Why? because spirit sharpens the spirit! It is these Words that the Holy Spirit keeps speaking to me through course of the day, bringing in a greater revelation: bit by bit, little by little; a little here and a little there and I find that my spirit man gets recharged.

We can plunge into spirits dimension whenever we want and the Holy Spirit awaits to reveal the secrets of the Kingdom.The foundation of Rhema (spoken Word) is Logos (written Word); Holy Spirit lays no other foundation, except what was given through Him (2 Tim 3:16). Let us know that Holy Spirit will take only the Word and reveal/unleash it in our spirit, and the Word freshens our spirit; our spirit gets enlightened, understanding, wisdom and life flow in us, thereby making our spirit (inner man) stronger, healthier and sharper.                                                                                                                                               
God uses His Word-spirit to sharpen our spirit is well seen in the book of Timothy.

"All scripture (Word) is ....profitable for teaching, correcting, rebuking and training... that man of God may be complete... (1 Tim 3:16, 17)                                                                                                    

It involves a painful process for the Iron to be Sharpened; it involves hammering, bending, curving and that's exactly what God does to our spirit man; He hammers us with rebuking, he curves and bends us with correction, and all for one purpose, that we may be complete... Holy Spirit will use the Word to smoothen all the rough edges of your life and make you what God wants you to be: Complete.

